Fourth Avenue
Warm, Friendly, Open, Caring
296 W. 4th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
(614) 299-5959
Pursuing Jesus .... Sharing Jesus
SERMONS and SUNDAY 10:00 am Online Worship Service Instructions
ZOOM LIVE: To join our live service by computer or smartphone, click on https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3885913702.
The passcode is 100200.
- To join by telephone, dial 1-669-900-6833 or 1-646-876-9923. When you are asked to enter the meeting ID, type in 3885913702#. No passcode is necessary for phone only.
YOUTUBE LIVE: To watch our worship services live on YouTube, click on youtube.com/channel/UC3kePTjUs90j4VKqqe0bLBw/live
YOUTUBE RECORDED VIDEOS: To watch video recordings of our worship services or just the sermons, click on youtube.com/channel/UC3kePTjUs90j4VKqqe0bLBw
To see the Service Bulletin and Sermon Outline for the week, click on the document icons below.
To LISTEN to previous SERMON PODCASTS, click here